Posted May 2024
Teaching your son or daughter how to play an instrument at an early age does not have a negative effect on them. Ipad’s, pods, play stations, xboxes & consoles all have their place but creating pleasure from hitting a ball against a wall is no longer seen as the way forward.
Our world here in the UK is like a planet where distractions have become cool and moving on to the next thing when faced with the slightest hurdle considered completely normal.
However, with recent events no show adults under immense financial pressure due to the recession, keeping their children quietly distracted with anything has become acceptable simply to keep the peace.
Whilst we bask on our island of credit or benefits, other countries with stronger work ethics, push their children to limits we would never consider. Those same children then have the determination required to achieve the most advanced qualifications in medicine and technology. It is very common to find professionals from all over the world who also have a good record of achievement in playing a musical instrument.
Focus on long term goals can only be instilled during childhood and whilst our primary schools are made approach the education of children with modern techniques, it has zero impact in the field of music.
To use an analogy, imagine attending juggling classes and expecting to keep seven balls in the air after popping along to the occasional class for a couple of years.
Music is an advanced skill and talent does not come in to it until the advanced stages, anyone can play.
One popular phrase with parents is,
‘I thought music was meant to be fun!’
‘Yes and reading bedtime stories is also fun, I had such a laugh doing my English A-level’